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Country World Denmark
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Country World Denmark

Country World Denmark

Country World Denmark is a Danish Country music, square and line dance and country life style community and website with forum, articles, reviews all things related to country and western.

Country World started out in 2004 as an idea and in November 2005 as a live website about country, today we are the leading Danish website about country music, linedance and related subjects.

Country World is written in Danish.
Country World is an online magazine on country music, linedance and related subjects written in Danish.

All About Country in Danish

Country World is the largest Danish website about country. The best way to show you around is to introduce the different sections of Country World:

Country World Forum

A community for everything country with emphasis on the Danish country community, you can comment on articles, search for a singer or musician for your country band, discuss line dance, square dance, pronounce or suggest a country related event or just express your opinion on any country related subject. Visit Country World Forum

Country Music

Get a list of Danish country bands, read about instruments used in country music, read about country music styles. We also cover different aspects of the country music scene in Denmark and Scandinavia. Reviews of country music CDs, country DVDs and country concerts in Denmark is also part of this area. All Danish country bands can register and get a free info page on Country World. Visit Country Music

Country Dance

Find line dance clubs and events in Denmark, line dance step sheets with emphasis on Danish choreographers, articles on line dance in general and line dance instructors issues. All Danish line dance clubs can register and get a free info page on Country World. Visit Country Dance

Danish Country Scene

All Danish live scenes presenting country music gets free access to add and edit new country music events to the Country World calender of danish country events. The country scene includes western themed camping, small pubs, country clubs and concert halls. Visit Country World Scene

Country World Hall of Fame

Country music hall of fame features in depth articles on country stars in categories like: Old-Time and Hillbilly , Cowboy singers, Bluegrass, The Nashville Sound, Outlaw, New/Trad. Country, Country rock and alt.country. Small articles on country stars are featured every day, displayed on the frontpage for date of birth. Visit Country World Hall of Fame

Country Life

Even city folks can choose to live a country life. In this part of Country World you can read about composers of country music, Western films, Country themes, country and western recipes and a lot more about the influences of country. Visit Country Life

News about country

No gossip! Don't expect to see a lot of news, we only carry news about country music, not about gossip about country stars.

Country Links

This is a handpicked quality list of links to country related resources in many categories. You can find links to top sites on step sheets, country radio, articles and places to buy instruments, boots, hats and other cowboy and western gear.

The Country World Vision

To connect people with an interest in country music and related stuff.
To provide information on country music stars and related items.
To make people happy with line dance step sheets, articles and more.
To help you find text/chords to country songs.
To make you feel comfortable in the world of country.
Best Regards

Peter Ulstrup Hansen
Fede Annoncer
Det skal fejres
Mike Henderson
Copyright 2025 Country World
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Country World - Gunløgsgade 21, 4.tv. - 2300 København S